Test Day!

We are really proud of all of our members.  They have put a lot of time and hard work into their training and it showed during their test on 24 Aug 2017.  Congratulations to Julie, Randy and Ian for passing all of the requirements for their grade levels!

  • Julie – Assistant Instructor Level
  • Randy – Assistant Instructor Level
  • Ian – Advanced Level


There are several parts of the WTK test and each part has a set of requirements that the members need to meet in order to move forward to the next grade level.

  • Structure (SNT, CK, BT, WTK SDF)
  • Defense (WTK SDF Application)
  • Sensitivity (Lap Sau Flows 1 to 4)

We presented our members their Rank Certificates and the new WTK Shirts!

We are very grateful to be on this WT journey together!