SiFu Ray, SiSok David and SiSok Allan went to CWTA Toronto HQ on 16Aug2013 to attend the annual CWTA Barbeque, take private lessons with SiFu Carson Lau, and train with our SiHings and SiDais during the Black Shirt Class.


SiFu Carson Lau reviewed SiFu Ray’s Wooden Dummy form and had him perform it the first time with precise movements, a second time with precision and power, and a third time with precision, power and speed.  SiFu Carson Lau then instructed SiFu Ray on the first and second sections of the Wooden Dummy Chi Sau form.

SiFu Carson Lau reviewed SiSok Allan’s Biu Tze form, and then had him warm-up on the Wooden Dummy using double Gaun Sau, Kwun Sau, and Jark Pak Man Sau.  SiFu Carson Lau then instructed SiSok Allan on the first, second and third sections of the Wooden Dummy Form.

SiFu Ray, SiSok David and SiSok Allan attended the Black Shirt class where they had several rounds of Lat Sau followed by the intensive workout lead by SiFu Carson Lau.




The following day, SiFu Ray, SiSok David and SiSok Allan attended the Annual CWTA Toronto HQ Barbeque at the Bruce’s Mill Conservatory Park.



We would like to thank SiFu Lau for his continued support of Wing Tsun Kwoon and we also want to thank all of the students at CWTA HQ for a great weekend of Wing Tsun training and family fun!